Hire Top 5% AI Talent in days

Scalable AI Expertise at 50% the Cost

Get access to over 2,000+ expert-vetted AI professionals with a proven track record of success.
World Class AI Talent at Your Fingertips

World Class AI Talent at Your Fingertips

Instant access to AI talent who have been vetted by technical AI experts, not recruiters. Offering flexible scalability, exactly when you need it.
Customer Success is our #1 Priority

Customer Success is our #1 Priority

Our commitment is to ensure everyone's success, from the initial day to the conclusion of your TalentedAI project.
Flexible Engagements

Flexible Engagements

Whether you're in need of a full-time consultant, a part-time expert, or a permanent team member, TalentedAI stands ready to effortlessly scale your AI team.

How does it work?

Put Hiring AI Experts on Autopilot

Define your ideal candidate profile, consult with us, review pre-selected experts, and hire within 72 hours for swift, precision-driven AI staffing solutions.

Specialized Talent

2,000+ Specialized & Vetted
Innovators at Your Fingertips

AI & Machine Learning Engineering

AI & Machine Learning Engineering

Build intelligent systems that revolutionize how your data informs business decisions, enabling real-time adaptive responses and predictive insights for strategic advantage.
AI Product & Project Management

AI Product & Project Management

Leverage this skill to efficiently bring AI innovations to market, aligning cutting-edge AI solutions with business objectives to drive transformative results and stay ahead of the competitive curve.
Data Science & Data Engineering

Data Science & Data Engineering

Utilize this combination to unlock the full potential of your data, transforming it into actionable insights that guide smarter business strategies and foster data-driven decision-making.
Prompt Engineering & AI Content Creation

Prompt Engineering & AI Content Creation

craft compelling AI-generated content, tailored to engage your audience with personalized and dynamic interactions, elevating your brand’s digital presence.
Generative AI & AutoGPT

Generative AI & AutoGPT

Create and automate a wide range of content, from personalized marketing materials to innovative product designs, streamlining your creative process and enhancing productivity.
Natural Language Processing & Deep Neural Networks

Natural Language Processing & Deep Neural Networks

Develop intelligent systems capable of understanding and responding to human language, enhancing customer interaction and automating complex communication tasks
